Happy Holidays

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AdamHughes's avatar
In case the next few days turn into a mad flurry of holiday activity, I wanted to wish all of you the very happiest of  holidays, whatever the faith gives you comfort and solace.

I greatly appreciate all the kind, wonderful & enthusiastic folks out there who are always quick with a kind word, an encouraging thought, or helpful bit of criticism.  I hope you all have a pleasant & happy holiday season, and a wonderful new year.  Please take care of yourselves, those you care for, and let them take care of you in return.  And thank you again for taking an interest in my ongoing attempts to better myself as an illustrator.

Not to leave anyone out: to all the time-wasting trolls, anonymous assholes, smartasses, and societal misanthropes... please go to hell and smoke a turd once there.

But have a very happy holiday season first.

Best wishes,

© 2011 - 2024 AdamHughes
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rhodesphotography's avatar
Hope you had a great New Years Adam. I'm looking forward to lots of great artwork from ~AH!~ to inspire me throughout 2012!